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"I have a comment/suggestion/correction/contribution for the guide..."
    Great! You can send it to me via my email address:
    I appreciate any input you have!
"I have a problem on my Bridgeboard...I can't get this to work...How do I?...Where do I get?..."
    Although this collection of information may make it seem like I know everything about PCs
    and Bridgeboards, the truth is I really don't know a lot of the specifics. So, if you have
    a question of the above type, you should really post it on the comp.sys.amiga.emulations 
    newsgroup, for the following reasons:
     - you'll have a larger knowledge base from which to get your answer, and much quicker
     - I regularly check the newsgroup; if I can answer the question, I'll answer it there
     - having the question/answer in the newsgroup will be of greater benefit for other 
       Bridgeboard owners
     - I no longer have a Bridgeboard (so I can't "try out" anything to solve a problem)
    Please also read the section About this guide and make sure to read the 
    Common Problems & Frequently Asked Questions sections before asking questions!

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